Saturday, November 1, 2014

When you know better.......

This week I was reminded of a simple quote from Maya Angelou:

“When you know better, you do better.”

Parenting is rewarding in so many ways, but especially when your children begin to use what they know to improve the choices they make.  We’ve all had those difficult homework nights where everyone feels like melting down.  But when you take the time to talk about it the next day, you can both look at it with fresh, non-stressed eyes.  It can lead to a creative idea for next time so that homework gets done a little earlier without the pressure of the clock weighing down the situation. 

These moments of learning don’t always have to involve something your child did.  It could be a situation when a teammate says something that is not nice to another teammate.  As you talk about it later, you talk about how it must have felt when it was said.  You talk about other things that could be said that will encourage your teammates.

We are all are faced with challenges on a daily basis that we have to resolve.  These challenges could be related to homework, teamwork, family, health or work.  There is nothing more satisfying than to be presented with a challenge and realize “I’ve faced this before and I know how to solve this problem!”  It turns the challenge around from fear and worry to strength and confidence.  You get that surge of energy and you are ready to take it on.

The best result is that you use what you know and successfully resolve your challenge.  You’re proud of yourself, your result and are excited to take on the next.  Another result is that you use what you know, with full confidence that it’s going to work, but the outcome is not what you expected.  You’re disappointed you didn’t get your anticipated result but you’ve gained knowledge for next time.

There are also times that you do in fact “know better”.  You are committed to “do better”.  The moment arrives.  Suddenly, what you “know” goes out the window.  You get wrapped up in the moment.  You react before you’re able to take that one second pause and react in the different way that you know you should.  Or maybe in spite of all your discussions and homework planning, you still end up with a lot to finish on the final night.  Or maybe the hardest of all, you have done all that is in your power to “do better”, but the ultimate result is beyond your control.  All you can do is sit and watch knowing that “better” is within reach, if only they would stretch a different way. 

“When you know better, you do better.”

It’s one step at a time, one foot in front of the other.  Sometimes you can take a lot of big steps.  Other times it might only be one small step.  And many times it may even be a step backward.  All these steps are important.  Learn.  Grow.  Learn some more.  Do Better. 

Heart-FULLy yours, 


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