Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Hunt

Every year eggs are boiled, dyed, colored, filled and hidden for the annual egg hunt.  It’s an event that is looked forward to with excitement and anticipation.  During the event there are excited squeals, shouts of victory when an egg is found and a lot of scurrying around.

When you have toddlers, many of the eggs are hidden in plain sight.  Still unclear on the actual concept of the event, the children usually toddle around enjoying the excited energy but are not really sure what to do.  They may walk past eggs or they may pick up only one color.  They may lose interest before all the eggs are found, but they have a good time while it lasts.

As the kids get older it’s more about speed and quantity - who can find the most in the fastest time.  The hiding places get harder.  They are not as easy to find and require a little more patience in looking in every possible nook and cranny.  Yet they race around looking as quickly as the can, only pausing to count the number of eggs they have collected.

As adults we too engage in many “hunts” of our own.  Do we approach them with the same anticipation and excitement?  Or do we approach them with anxiety, dread and worry?  Do we toddle around passing up eggs that are in plain sight because we are unclear on what we are hunting for?  Or do we pass them up thinking that a better one will come along if we just keep looking?  Are we too focused on collecting only one color?  How did we decide that was the right color to look for?  Or are we racing around trying to do things quickly?  Are we so focused on quantity and speed that we forget what we are hunting in the first place?

If you are lucky enough to participate in an egg hunt this weekend with children, enjoy the excitement of the hunt.  There’s nothing like watching the pure enthusiasm, energy and joy of a child.  Watch out, it just might be contagious. 

Heart-FULLy yours, 


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