Saturday, November 23, 2013

Life is Precious

Life is precious. 
A blade of grass.
A ripe lemon on a tree.
A smile from a stranger that is over in a second but stays with you all day.
A call from a lifelong friend.

For as long as I can remember, I have always believed that “everything happens for a reason”.  Growing up I applied this philosophy to things that now seem trivial but at the time were very important – when my team didn’t win or when I didn’t get accepted to a specific college - “everything happens for a reason” didn’t make the hurt go away, but it was as good an explanation as any.

Life is precious.
Snuggling under a blanket watching a movie.
Holding hands.
Doing homework. (no that’s not a typo)
Driving from one activity to another.

Life is a little more complicated now but what hasn’t changed is the need to try to figure out why things happen the way they do. I think its human nature to try to make sense out of things that don’t appear to make sense.  Why are we here?  Why did this happen or not happen?  These are big questions and for once Google is no help.  “Everything happens for a reason” starts to sound cliché.

Life is precious.
When someone takes the time to help you knowing they have nothing to gain.
When you feel a special connection with someone.
When you solve a problem, get a rush of energy and feel invincible.
When you can't solve a problem but you don't stop trying.
What I’ve come to accept is that for now it’s not ours to understand.  Even if we knew the reason, it might be beyond our comprehension to make sense of it.  I also continue to believe that nothing happens by chance.  Every experience throughout every day is part of our journey.  It is there to teach you something, or influence you, or for you to influence someone else, knowingly or unknowingly.  We are not meant to go through this journey alone.  We are surrounded by a supporting cast of friends, family, coworkers and even strangers who come in and out of our life all day long and are here to help us.  Accept their help.  Let them support you.  You don’t get any extra points for doing it on your own.
Life is precious.
The sound of falling rain.
The sight of a hot air balloon high in the sky.
The memory that makes you smile just thinking about it.
The smell of a delicious dinner.
The strength and security of a hug.
The little things, the big things and everything in between.
Heart-FULLy yours, 


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