Saturday, May 24, 2014

School's Out

Every year it catches me by surprise.  Every year I say, how did it go by so fast?  The end of the school year brings with it the feelings that the kids are growing up, getting bigger and getting older.  It gives us a reason to pause, reflect and remember.  By the comments that I’ve seen this week on facebook, I’m not the only one who feels caught up in what is truly a sea of emotions.

In the elementary school years, it’s easy to see the physical changes that can happen in less than a year.  Handwriting can change drastically.  Reading levels, skills and comprehension can be taken to another level.  Awareness of the world around them - scientific, social, economic and environmental – changes the conversations you have.  You see these little people emerging before your eyes and you get a glimpse of the person they will become.  All of this brings a surge of pride, excitement and anticipation, mixed with just a little relief.

Many of these changes could not occur without the influence of a good teacher.  When you really think about it, the relationship you develop with a teacher all occurs in less than 12 months, yet it can be one of the most significant relationships you will ever have.  There’s a quote you’ve no doubt heard: “People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.”  The statement is never truer when it comes to great teachers who come into our life for a season.  In a time when teachers are mentioned in the same sentence as budget cuts or test scores, we’ve been fortunate to have had the experience where their dedication to the true calling of developing these children trumps all outside influences.  It is that level of dedication that causes my heart to swell with admiration, appreciation, gratitude, love and a little sadness to leave them behind.

The idea that you are moving on, while your teacher “stays behind”, gives the end of the school year the feeling that something is over.  There is a kind of finality to it.  We celebrate our children for successfully finishing the year and all that they have accomplished.  However, by doing this we create the mindset that when you are not in school it somehow indicates that you are “done”.  Consciously we know the need to learn is never really over.  How we instill that sense of constant wonder and continual striving for personal growth is key.  Let’s celebrate their accomplishments and enjoy the satisfaction of completing something.  Wipe away the tears of sadness that something is coming to an end.  Then we can look to future for all that is yet to explore and excitement of what is to come.

Heart-FULLy yours, 


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