Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Happiest Place on Earth

Schedules are hard to coordinate, even when there are only four of you.  That is why it took us two years and lots of planning to surprise our kids with a trip to Disneyland.  At ages 9 and 6, they are the perfect age to enjoy the wonders of the Happiest Place on Earth.    I couldn’t help but think, will they think it’s the Happiest Place on Earth?  That’s a pretty big title to live up to, would the kids agree?  I also couldn’t help but think of my own words from last week – I had a belief that this was going to be a fantastic, one of a kind trip, which led to an agenda and expectations.  I knew that everything would not go as planned, but was I ready for the reaction that would follow?

The exciting thing about going on vacation is that it’s out of your normal routine so even the simplest things, like a hotel room, seem extraordinary.  On our bed was a pillow with a lyric from Cinderella “A dream is a wish your heart makes”.  It’s a lyric we’ve all heard many times before, but I’ve never taken the time to really think about it.  You may have tried to interpret the meaning of a dream or day dreamed about something you really want to do.  But have you ever really thought of where that dream came from?  Is a dream our heart’s way of trying to get our attention?  Hmmm….

Of course I haven’t uncovered some big mystery; every Disney story has a universal message about life, love and understanding.  Each movie gives us an easy opportunity to talk to our kids about concepts that may otherwise be difficult to explain.  How often do we have that conversation?  Talking about how the characters must feel and the actions that they took are easily related back to “real life”.  All we need to do is take the time to talk about it instead of instantly moving onto the next.

Our trip, like all trips, had its ups and downs – sick kids, melt downs, long lines and warmer than usually weather.  However, those things were quickly forgotten when we were on the rides flying through the galaxy, racing cars and trains with the wind in our hair, screaming with joy around the loop-de-loop, getting spooked by ghosts and pirates and laughing as we sped down the hill knowing there was cold water waiting at the bottom.  On Splash Mountain, after you are soaking wet there is one more scene for you to go through where the animals are all singing Zip-A-Dee-Do-Dah.  Simple lyrics with a catchy tune, it’s impossible not to sing along and leave smiling.  My oh my what a wonderful day - now go enjoy it.   

Heart-FULLy yours, 


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