Saturday, July 19, 2014

It's Electric!

Chances are when I say, “It’s Electric!”, a beat starts up in your head along with visions of a dance floor and fun memories.  If you’ve been to a school dance, wedding, club or party of any kind in the last 20 years, you’ve danced the Electric Slide.  It’s a simple line dance, with a catchy hook, that sucks everyone out onto the floor for a few brief minutes.  You can’t help but smile, laugh and when it’s done you can’t help but feel a little spark within you.

Everyone knows that summer time in the desert is hot……really hot.  In the late afternoon/evening hours storms often roll in bringing wind, rain and the occasional thunderstorm.  Watching the lightening light up the sky is breath taking.  I’ve never seen anything like it.  The sudden strike of power looks scary and exhilarating all at the same time.  Energy surges from the bolt.  Its power radiates to all that is around it and you feel energized simply from having witnessed it.

When was the last time you felt that surge of energy and excitement pulse through your body?  Children are incredible reminders of this feeling.  In our house right now it is the anticipation of the start of a new school year.  I am grateful that they are so excited to go back to school.  I want them to hold on to this feeling, starting something new should always be exciting and energizing. 

It’s easy to get complacent, to get comfortable in our routine.  We stop pushing, stop trying new things.  We forget what it’s like to feel that kind of excitement.  Like a lightning bolt, trying something new may have its scary moments, but it will also give you that surge of energy.  The energy to keep moving forward, pushing you to do more, explore more.  Challenging you to take that next step.  It’s the beginning of a chain reaction where the possibilities are endless. 

Heart-FULLy yours, 


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