Saturday, October 12, 2013

9 Tips for 9 Years Old

There are many articles going around the Internet talking about things to teach your daughter.  So in honor of my daughter’s 9th birthday this week, and this being my 9th blog post, I put together my list of 9 tips for being 9 years old:
1.   There is only one YOU.  No one else is exactly like you.  Don’t change your clothes, your feelings or your ideas just because you are afraid of what your friends will think.  However, if you are afraid of what mom or dad might think, then think twice and make sure it’s a really good idea/feeling/piece of clothing :)

2.   Be a good friend.  You are an outgoing girl who makes friends easily.  It is a wonderful trait to have and one that is going to bring many people into your life.  Be the friend that you want other people to be to you – nice, kind, helpful and a good listener.  When you do your part, the rest is up to them.  If they aren’t being a good friend to you, then maybe you need to spend more time with the people who are. 

3.   You don’t have to be in school to learn.  The world is a great big place and school can’t possibly teach you about everything.  If you want to know more about something, let’s explore it and learn everything we can about it.
4.   Always tell the truth, it’s easier to remember.  There’s no need to explain this great saying from Daddy’s Memere.
5.   It’s ok to make mistakes. This is going to be a hard one for you, but you will actually learn more when you make a mistake than when you do something is really easy for you.  Just know that Daddy and I will never be upset as long as you tried your best.  We’ll always be here to help you try again, no matter how many times it might take.
6.   Find at least 3 things to be thankful for every day.  We have been blessed.  It’s important that we take time, especially on the hard days, to be thankful for the people and experiences we have in our lives.
7.   Help others.  We are here to help each other.  It’s as simple as holding a door for someone, giving someone a hug when they are feeling down or helping a teacher.  Doing things for others will not only make them feel good, but you will feel good as well. 
8.   Love your brother.  You may find him annoying and like to refer to him as your little “bother”, but wouldn’t life at home be boring without him?  He’s already shown that he can cheer you up when you are feeling sad.  I think you’ll find he’ll be a friend to you like no other.
9.   It starts within your heart.  Every emotion, every feeling, every response you have all starts within your heart.  If you are ever feeling something that you don’t like, then look inside of you to find out why.  Once you see why you feel that way, you have the power to change it. 

Heart-FULLy yours, 


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