Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Bed

Last week I wrote about the importance of sleep.  A big component of sleep is having a good bed.  Many people view their bed as a safe haven.  A bed can be a place that you fall into when the day is done where you can curl up with a good book or watch a movie.  It’s a place where you can fully relax and take a deep breath.  Thinking about it might bring a smile to your face and make you wish you were in your bed right now.

When you think about your bed, you think about how comfortable it is.  Getting a good night sleep depends on being comfortable.  Over time your bed, like everything, starts to wear down.  No matter how many times you flip, twist and turn it, grooves start to form.  It happens slowly, so it takes a while to notice.  My husband and I started to realize we needed a new bed about 6 months ago (maybe longer).   But buying a new bed is a big deal; there are expectations over finding that perfect comfort again.  (Not to mention it’s expensive and not something you can just pick up during a Target run.)

We spent time online researching to find the “best” bed, with the best reviews.  We went to a couple stores - awkwardly lying on the showroom mattress.  Finally after months of discussion, we finally made a decision.  The first night with the new bed we both climbed in with high expectations of how comfortable it was going to be.  But once we got in, it felt a little hard and really flat.  We were so used to the grooves of our old bed, that a bed with full support almost felt uncomfortable.  But it was the first night; we had to give it a chance. After a couple nights it felt a little better, but still wasn’t that ideal fluffy cloud of comfort.  It would have been easy to say, this bed isn’t right and go back to using the old familiar one (except that it had already been donated…..).  As the nights went on the differences in the new bed became less pronounced.  And the most important thing of all - we were sleeping better, no more sore backs or nights of tossing and turning to get comfortable.
Our experience with the new bed got me thinking about how similar it is with any change you try to make in your life.  There are things in your life that you know you need to change, like maybe your eating habits, working out or any other area where you know you can do better.  After months of discussion and research you make the decision to make a change.  The first day you’re excited for the change, it may feel uncomfortable at first but you push through.  As the days go on, the discomfort starts to overtake the excitement.  You’re faced with a decision – are you going to climb back into the familiar grooves of your old bed/habits accepting you’ll have a sore back or are you going to push through the discomfort knowing that in the end you’ll get a better night sleep? 

Any change worth making is going to be uncomfortable, to me that’s a sign that you’re doing it right.
Heart-FULLy Yours, 


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