My house this morning is the exact opposite
as it was yesterday at this time. Today
everyone is still asleep. Yesterday
there was light and excitement, this morning it is dark and quiet. Yesterday there was anticipation, happiness
and joy. This morning there is calm,
contentment and peacefulness. The
craziness of the holiday season is over and we have all survived.
As we sat in our Christmas Eve service, the
pastor delivered his sermon entitled “Fear Not”. There are multiple references in the
Christmas story where someone, usually an angel, begins by saying “Fear not”. I’ve heard the story many times and have
never really given much thought to those two words, we usually focus on what is
said after those words as the core of the story. What struck me was two things. First the reassurance to fear not, do not be
afraid, that without those words the listeners could have focused on the fear
to the point where they didn’t even listen to anything else that was said. The second thing that struck me was what would
have happened if fear had overtaken them?
It wouldn’t have been a very good story if the recipients of the
messages were paralyzed by fear and stayed right where they were.
Fear is a common thing, we’re all afraid of
something, but is it holding us back? Is
there a message that you are missing because you’re stuck thinking about how
scary it might be? Is there something
that you avoid doing because it makes your heart beat a little faster? What is that one thing you really want to do
but………. Success Coach Kelly Atwood
recently said “Feel the fear and do it anyway.”
This has become a personal mantra for me. Whenever I start to feel that little twinge
of nervousness, I imagine Kelly standing beside me saying “do it anyway!” In order to grow and keep moving forward, we
need to face our fears or at least face the things that make us feel
uncomfortable and push through them.
This next week is typically one where we
reflect on the past year and get ready for the year to come. Whether you formally set resolutions or not,
think about what you want to accomplish in 2016. It could be big or small, just try to be
specific. Write it down or type it out, somewhere
that you can refer to it. Even better,
tell someone else and keep them posted on your progress. Whatever you do, fear not and do it anyway!
Heart-FULLy Yours,