Saturday, December 13, 2014


I know that I am not alone in feeling like there are a million things going on and that there just isn't enough time to try to get everything done.  It’s left me feeling a little scattered and as a result my thoughts for today’s blog are going to jump around a little more than usual.

First an update, and it was all the fault of a turkey sandwich, my little one lost one of his front teeth.  A couple months ago I wrote about how I wasn't ready for the baby teeth phase to be over and this week that phase came to an end.  At least I squeezed out a couple more months and took a lot more pictures.  The other front tooth is hanging in there precariously and I wouldn’t be surprised if in a couple days we’re singing “All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth”.

Secondly, I had an idea that I wanted to give a recap of the three best books I've read this year. 
        The Conscious Parent, Dr. Shefali Tsabary – No surprise here as I've quoted this book multiple times.  I’m warning you that it’s going to challenge many of the ways you think about yourself, your parenting style and your child as an individual soul.  You may need to read it in small doses so that it can truly sink in, but it’s worth it and you will be a better parent by the end. 
        Wild, Cheryl Strayed – I haven’t seen the movie, but can almost guarantee the book is better.  The story of a woman who when her life hits rock bottom, decides to go on a three month journey, alone, through the wilderness.  Wonderfully written, it’s hard to put down and left me thinking, if she can do that, what could I do? 
        My Stroke of Insight, Jill Bolte Taylor – The story of a brain scientist who has a stroke.  She recounts what the stroke was like from a scientific and personal perspective.  It’s fascinating to hear the science behind both the event and her recovery and what it took for her brain to heal.

Lastly in my blog of scattered topics, I was recently sent this quote “End worry by taking action”.  Hmmmm.  It’s so easy to get stuck over thinking and worrying about a situation or about how there are things are not going to get done.  You can end all that worry by taking action.  Just do something.  Even if it’s not related to what you are worried about, go out, or get up, and do something.  It doesn’t really do you any good to sit and worry, so why do it?  You might as well be productive and get something done!

Heart-FULLy yours, 


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