Saturday, February 6, 2016

8 is Great!

8 is Great
you couldn’t hardly wait
for this day to come
when we will celebrate 8!

You’re not a baby any more,
you’re big and strong.
You’ve got enough energy
to last you the whole day long.

You’ve gotten too big
to cuddle up every morn
but you still wake up and stretch
just like the day you were born.   

8 is great,
there’s so much you can do
hit a baseball, run a race
build a city or two. 

You’re our little home body,
you love to spend time with family and friends.
You’re a supportive teammate
and remember to be thankful when the day ends.

You’re considerate and nice,
always willing to lend a hand.
You’re sensitive to other’s feelings
helping them out any way you can.

8 is great
but it might start to get a little tough
learning you can’t win them all
and other grown up kind of stuff.

School’s getting a little harder
it’s not so easy breezy any more,
but now is when it gets interesting
there is so much more for you to explore.

It’s hard to understand why
people laugh and call names
but dad and I are always here
to talk about it and not find blame.

8 is great
there is so much more to come
but today we’ll enjoy this moment
and how blessed we are to have you Son.

Journal on this: What are your favorite moments right now with your child?  What funny things do they do or say?  How are you alike?  How are you different?  It’s easy to think you will remember all of the important moments, but as the years go by, those moments start to slip away.  Take a minute today to jot down what’s important today.  In eight years (or eighteen) you’ll be happy that you did.

Heart-FULLy Yours,    


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